Meeting notes Heeres Waffenamt
Meeting notes Heeres Waffenamt

Major Ley                                             Berlin, 13th. of February 1943
Wa Pruf                                                           J3 - 0901 App. 112

Mr. Major Heilmeyer
Wa Staff/Command group

Subject: Telephonic meeting Major Heilmeyer - Major Ley on 13.2.1943

Regards: Sound suppressor for MP.

At this moment two samples have been developed by the company of A r a d o, Brandenburg and S c h n e i d e r - Opel, Berlin, and were presented on the 17.2 in Dahlem, Kronprinzenalle 121.
Both systems are working according to the chamber system. Contradictory to the Russian System with the rubber baffles this system has the disadvantage that the soundlevel remains a little higher. The advantage however is that the accuracy is higher.
Sound suppressor with rubber baffles for MP's have so far not lead to any useful results.