Reprint from 1942 Merkblatt für die Ausbildung mit der Maschinenpistole 38 und 40 (M.P. 38 u. 40.)
Reprint from 1942 Merkblatt für die Ausbildung mit der Maschinenpistole 38 und 40 (M.P. 38 u. 40.)
This version of the „Merkblatt für die Ausbildung mit der Maschinenpistole 38 und 40 (M.P. 38 u. 40.)“ was the first corrected reprint of the original. There were only a few corrections made in this manual. Nevertheless these corrections were considered to be vital since they were mainly related to the challenges with the magazine and feeding system of the MP38 and MP40. By 1942, the German Wehrmacht had accumulated a great deal of field experience through their many campaigns, and the High Command decided it was time to incorporate this knowledge and publish a reprint of the 1939 manual.