D (Luft) 5602 Die Ausbildung mit der Maschinenpistole 38 und 40 (M.P38 und 40)
D (Luft) 5602 Die Ausbildung mit der Maschinenpistole 38 und 40 (M.P38 und 40)
As stated in the introduction of this chapter the text of the Luftwaffe’s (Airforce) “D (Luft) 5602 - Die Ausbildung mit der Maschinenpistole 38 und 40 (M.P38 und 40)” manual was a close copy of the Army’s “Merkblatt” series of manuals. The chaptering, the pictures and the referrals to other manuals were altered to the Luftwaffe’s standards. Externally the D (Luft) 5602 manual fits into the standard design of the Luftwaffe manuals, a blue cover with usually a black horizontal band. The publisher was Dr. M. Matthiesen & Co, a regularly used publisher of books relating to military aviation and military (Luftwaffe) publications. Photo Courtesy M.B.