Merkblatt für die Ausbildung mit der Maschinenpistole 38 und 40 (M.P. 38 u. 40.) 1939
Merkblatt für die Ausbildung mit der Maschinenpistole 38 und 40 (M.P. 38 u. 40.) 1939
The „Merkblatt für die Ausbildung mit der Maschinenpistole 38 und 40 (M.P. 38 u. 40.)“ (Instruction leaflet for the training with the sub-machinegun 38 and 40) from 1939 was the manual that was published and printed in 4 different versions and reprints based on surviving examples. If the Luftwaffe manual D (Luft) 5602 is included (the text is almost identical) there are 5 different versions of this manual. The whole focus of this manual is the training of the “schütze” (rifleman). Apart from the more general paragraphs like the description of the parts and a description of the equipment this manual explains also how to carry the weapon in different positions and most importantly it describes a complete shooting training session and the desired results.