Weblog 2011
10-12-2011: I started working on the website again. I worked on another big project the last few months relating to off course the MP38 & 40. More news about this later. A serious revision was needed of the magazin loader page. Let me know if you have more info and/or pictures of your loaders.
8-7-2011: Last weekend I went to the Ardennes area in Belgium and Luxembourg. In this region the Battle of the Bulge was fought in December '44 and January '45. I visited 6 museums and checked out their German small arms. Here you find a photo impression we made; http://www.mp40.nl/index.php?page=battle-of-the-Bulge-trip
18-6-2011: Interesting item. A bakelit MP40 foregrip with a cut out corner for an experimental safety retracting handle. Supposedly original. http://genuine-militaria.com/index.php?23161,560
29-4-2011: A MP38 on "active duty" with a Libyan resistance fighter. Only problem is that there is a magazine missing. It's amazing what pieces are still around. This might actually be a MP38 left behind by Rommel's Africa corps. Here another picture and story of the same MP38: http://cjchivers.com/post/4289036681/news-from-libya-saturday-night
25-04-2011: The Czech firm Zeleny sports presented on the IWA 2011 in Nuerenberg a new repro MP40 for 9mm blanks with the name and logo "Schmeisser" on it. If you click the picture you get a blow up picture of the right side of the gun. To me it looks like a mix between a MP38 grip and a MP40 upper receiver and barrel section: http://www.zelenysport.cz/scripts/podrobnosti.php?IDZ=4492 They also sell a MP41 version: http://www.zelenysport.cz/scripts/podrobnosti.php?IDZ=4494
04-03-2011: this what we do not appreciate very much: