Weblog 2009
Very nice picture I received of a very lucky Bastard!
22-12-2009: I found these 2 interesting youtube videos explained by Batman:
6-12-2009: Now for sale at Henrik Rask, 2 numbermatching Steyr MP40's. Also the website is offering a lot of original pouches. http://www.raskantik.com/varer/news.htm
5-12-2009: I updated the MP40 database. I crossed the 300th MP today. Please keep sending me the info or links. Serial Database
30-11-2009: I added a small page today about the MP40 sound suppressor developed by Arado and Schneider - Opel and tested in 1944 by the Heeres Waffenamt. Please let me know if you have any additional information about this subject. info@mp40.nl
5-11-2009: This postcard I recently added to my collection. Very rare! There is also a french version of it and a Finiish printed match box.
24-11-2009: then better look at this MP38 for sale in the UK. http://www.gunstar.co.uk/Submachine-Gun/Erma-Erfurter-Maschinen-U-Werkzeugfabrik-MP38/Gun-For-Sale.aspx?id=1577
23-11-2009: For sale at egun.de a MP38. Unfortunately the magazine reciever is not original. Very hard to tell if you ask me. http://www.egun.de/market/item.php?id=2522691
18-11-2009: Very nice cover of a 1944 "illustrierteer Beobachter" with a few members of the Leibstandarte AH with 2 mp40's and a Kubelwagen. The text says "befehlempfang beim Kommandeur" which means something like "receiving orders from the commander".
17-11-2009: Early Erma mp40 with hook type retracting handle.I wonder what the end price is going to be. http://www.egun.de/market/item.php?id=2511454
15-11-2009: Well about time to add something to my website. I started to rewrite the manuals page. I now have devided it in 3 sections, a military manual page, a "civilian", and a post war page. All three of them are still under construction but putting it online might lead to some reactions from your side. Manuals
4-11-2009: Rich U. send me this picture (left) of a beautiful, almost polished, MP40 with a red Bakelite handgrip and foregrip. I do not know the serial number on this MP40 but judging it by the grip it concerns a Steyr MP40 from 1943. These mp40's frequently have the grip without the rim. Just to share with you!
25-10-2009: An MP38 for sale at egun. Not offered very frequently. Too bad that the grip is a fake and the foregrip is a MP40 grip. http://www.egun.de/market/item.php?id=2470423-
11-10-2009: I recently bought this picture postcard featuring an Iron -ross wearing soldier holding an mp40. Various series of postcards like "Das Alles sind Infanteriewaffen" and "ewig junge Infanterie" were printed for propaganda reasons.
09-10-2009: This mp38 tube went out very cheap! Nice start up for building up an mp38!
04-10-2009: Today I replaced my page about Heinrich Vollmer. I place a new story with courtesy of Martin Helebrant the English translation of his Heinrich Vollmer story as described in his book; "Samopal M.P.38 a MP40",Nakladatelstvi Elka Press, ISBN 978-80-87057-02-5.
04-10-2009: A rare pair of leather MP40 pouches in excellent condition. These photo's were sent to me by a Belgian collector.
03-10-2009: Please turn your sound off (when you hear it you understand ;-) and check this grounddug at 1m29sec; http://www.youtube.com/watchv=70dG455RFCs&feature=PlayList&p=471C8D28CEC8A2B7&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=20
22-09-2009: Some original mp38 parts (deactivated) are offered here: http://www.wehrmacht-awards.com/forums/showthread.php?t=379890
20-09-2009: Today I added with courtesy of Martin Helebrant the English translation of his Erma EMP story as described in his book; "Samopal M.P.38 a MP40",Nakladatelstvi Elka Press, ISBN 978-80-87057-02-5.
18-09-2009: I received these picture of a very early MP40 with the Merz Werke logo on it. This logo was also used on their typewriters. I have never seen this on any MP40. This Mp40 is also one of the earliest since it carries serial 153 and code 27-1940. Please also note the full stamped "1940" on the receiver. The gun itself is also in the an absolute perfect condition. Thank you Pierre for the pictures.
16-09-2009: I updated the MP40 database.Serial Database
08-09-2009: Attention!! My website has been hacked 2 weeks ago. This is the reason why thing look a bit funny and bits anfd pieces are missing. We are trying to get it fixed again as soon as possible.
17-07-2009: I received from Kevin S. this very interesting project description for a homebuilt semi-automatic MP38 based on a ground dug and a newly made receiver. http://www.mp40.nl/uploads/SAMP38_Build.pdf
15-07-2009: Again I have bought some newspapers featuring MP40's on the cover. I will add these to the propaganda page.
14-07-2009: This picture together with a few others were sent to me. It shows an improvised version of the early retracting handle. I don't think the short one is an original one. It could be an improvised "waffenmeister" solution or a bad post war attempt to copy an original one. I know that all of these early retracting handles are slightly different since they are handwork but I would like to know if someone has "official" documentation about this.
27-06-2009: I added a small page about the protection cover for the MP38 and 40 used by the fallschrimjager and ski troops.
18-06-2009: Nice original pouch for sale at Wehrmacht Awards. http://www.wehrmacht-awards.com/forums/showthread.php?t=362112
18-06-2009: Very nice and detailed pictures of a rare Steyr MP40. Rare beacuse it already features the ribbed magazine reciever but still has the early retracting handle. http://sports.webshots.com/album/573013155IDOaLv
13-06-2009: Now what do we think about this? cgi.ebay.de/SYSTEMSCHUTZ-MG34-MG-WaA-1944-fke-WEHRMACHT-MP40_W0QQitemZ370213928491QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMilitaria
05-06-2009: Some more Russian ground dugs:
01-06-2009: This link shows a mp40 that was captured by a Dutch Army unit in a weapon search in Afganisthan. http://warrelics.eu/forum/firearms-ordnance/mp38-40-found-afghanistan-7843/
26-05-2009: I received these pictures with a remarkably safety feature. The grinded notch is not only made at the usual spot in the receiver but also at the basic safe position. Very strange!
22-05-2009: I finished today the page about Berthold Geipel the founder and Director of ERMA. This factory was the first to produce the MP38 and MP40. Very little is known about him but thanks to the book "ERMA & Feima, Berthold Geipel und seine Erfurter Waffenfabriken" of Werner Limbrecht and the help of Rich U. who reads and correct my text, I was able to make this page. http://www.mp40.nl/index.php?page=berthold-geipel I would like to get a picture of the man. I cannot find it anywhere. If you have a picture and you allow me to place it then please send me an email info@mp40.nl
19-05-2009: A new book from Michael Heidler, indispensable for every German handgun and equipment enthousiast. After many years of hard work, Michael Heidler's book "Deutsche Fertigungskennzeichen bis 1945" about the German manufacturers codes of WW2 is now finished. The book has more than 500 pages, is sorted in two ways (after codes and after company-names), contains ALL code systems (abbreviations, number-codes, letter-codes, LDO-numbers for medals & insignias and the RZM-numbers for NSDAP- & SS-equipment). The official list with letter codes ends with "ozz", but he was able to add three pages of later codes. Off course all MP38 and 40 production codes are in it as wel. The book can be ordered directly with Michael Heidler at: GGBuch@web.de Please support his fantastic work and order the book!!!
19-05-2009: Judging form these pictures you would think that the MP38 is not exactly a scarce item!!! Thanks again Alex K.
19-05-2009: I expandend the newspaper page with 4 extra cover again. http://www.mp40.nl/index.php?page=newspapers
19-05-2009: a nice pair of original? Pouches; http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.asp?Item=129195033#PIC
15-05-2009: Saved from destruction in Kosovo: http://warrelics.eu/forum/firearms-ordnance/saved-destruction-7131.html
12-05-2009: According to the text that comes with this Haenel MP40 offered on Gunbroker it was produced on the very first day of the Haenel production. I don't know about that but anyway it is a very early Haenel MP40. It has a MP38 like serial number stamped horizontal on the end-cap. http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.asp?Item=128861335
12-04-2009: I received so many reactions of the enormous MP40 stack of Alex K. He recently send me a similar picture shot from a different angle:
12-04-2009: Yesterday I added this D167/2 to my collection. The little manual is in perfect "mint" condition. I'm thinking about reorganising my manual page and then also make scans of this very rare manual. The set is now complete although one is from 1941 and the other ffrom 1942. So a new collector challenge! By the way there is also a 1939 military manual!
12-04-2009: I received these pictures from Pascal D. He is going to rebuild from these parts a MP38 again. I really like these restauration projects! I also received a whole bunch of serial numbers of MP38's and MP40's from him.
11-04-2009: Another 2 newspaper covers added today to the propaganda page.
22-03-2009: A german soldier life was saved by one of his MP40 magazine's. This happened during the French campaign in 1940. The soldier kept this magazine as a souvenir untill he died a few years ago. Great pictures thanks Alex K.!
21-03-2009: During my continuous hunt for serial numbers I found this great Japanese website. About 8 new MP38 serial numbers and 20 new MP40 serial have been added to the list. Check out the funny deactivation on these MP40's. http://www.regimentals.jp/list_gun.php?cs=&pr=&ty=&na=MP38&sr= (I can understand you have problems reading it so try Google translate http://translate.google.com/) I have never seen any shop offering this massive amount of MP's. They also sell 3 MP41's, 1 MP28, 2 MP34's, 1 MP35, 1 Erma EMP and an original early MP18 with snail drum!!!!!! Off course I updated my serial list again. In total a 228 serial number sofar. Still not too impressive so please keep sending me those serial numbers at: info@mp40.nl
20-03-2009: Yesterday I received these two pictures (below) of the rare hinged metal muzzle cap for the early MP38 and MP40. This ground dug was found in the area of Volgograd (former Stalingrad)
17-03-2009: Rich U. passed me this link with an interesting customized magazin. It must be original since it concerns a ground dug. http://www.wehrmacht-awards.com/forums/showthread.php?t=168936&highlight=Waffenmeister
16-03-2009: Not everybody's favourite but they are almost as rare as a MP38 http://www.egun.de/market/item.php?id=2182384
13-03-2009: These 2 manuals, the D167/1 and the D167/2, were being offered at the British e-bay. I think they went away very cheap. Please let me know if you have one (or both) for sale at info@mp40.nl
04-03-2009: I received these pictures of a post war shortened magazin. It's capacity is 8 to 9 cartridges. According to the owner it was make a MP40 more compact so it can be hidden under clothes. The owner believes it was done right after the war,
03-03-2009: I added some new newspaper propaganda pictures again: www.mp40.nl/index.php
03-03-2009: Some while ago again but there is one for sale again in Germany: http://www.egun.de/market/item.php?id=2161281
03-03-2009: I got this picture from one of the readers of this website. Funny deativation but still a shame! Look at that barrel, still looks perfect!
21-02-2009: It has taken me ages and I'm still not finished with the MP40 page........ Still I choose to already put it online since I might get to know some new interesting facts from the readers of this website. I still need to write the "barrel section" part and the "bolt and telescope spring" part. Please let me know of anything I have missed or that I'm wrong about in the description of the parts. I especially want to thank Rich. R., Eddie B., M.Crumb and Siegfried H. for all their help. www.mp40.nl/index.php
08-02-2009: Nice propaganda picture of a very new MP40 with pouches in "die Woche" of August 6th 1941. I added this to the Propaganda page. Within 2 weeks I will recieve some more newspapers with The MP40 on the cover.
07-02-2009: I know this shop is not the cheapest but 595 USD for an early cocking handle is ridiculous if you ask me. http://www.germanmilitaria.com/Heer/photos/H025160.html
06-02-2009: On the website of Sauer Militaria I found these 2 MP's for sale. One MP38 and one MP40 but both marked with "ayf 40" In my opinion these codes are very rare. On the other hand I also thougt that of the AYF-41 MP40's but that was quickly proven not to be so rare.
18-01-2009: On auction now, an "honest" Haenel 1941 MP40. According to the current owner this one was used by the Danish resistance during WW2: www.egun.de/market/item.php more to see on his website: http://www.raskantik.com/
16-01-2009: A small web page which I received from Rich U. with some unknown photo's http://www.ww2photomuseum.com/MP40.html